See Goose Branta canadensis (1) (1) Lugo The bird seen at Riocaldo lagoons, Begonte, Lugo last
May and
June was seen again on 6.7 (Toño Salazar).
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps (1) (1) Lugo The bird seen at Riocaldo lagoons, Begonte, Lugo from 23.8.2007 then again in Spring and Autumn 2008 and from January 2009 to June 2009 was seen again at the lagoon on 6.7 (Toño Salazar).
Red-billed Tropicbird Phaeton aethereus (1-2) (1-2) Lanzarote Two adults were seen at Costa Teguise coast on 7.7 (Jose Antonio Matesanz).
Lesser Flamingo Phoenicopterus minor (1,2-3) (1) Ciudad Real There was a bird carrying a yellow ring at Laguna de la Veguilla, Alcazar de San Juan, Ciudad Real on 21.7 (Tomas Velasco, Pedro Bustamante, Xurxo Piñeiro y Maria José Valencia). It has been seen in the area intermittently since last April and it was seen on 20.7 at nearby Laguna del Camino de Villafranca, Alcazar de San Juan (same observers). Seen again on 22.7 (Mª José Valencia).
(2-3) Ciudad Real There were 3 altogether on Camino de Villafranca lagoon on 22.7: one unringed, another presumably was bird (1) and a third bird carrying a red ring with white letters (Maria José Valencia). This might be an escaped bird which is lingering around S Spain for some time (
read more in this post from Rarebirdspain blog). One of them (the unringed) seen again on 24.7 at the same area (Carmen Rivero y Javier Gómez).
Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus (1,2,3)(1) Gibraltar On 9.7 an adult arrived at Gibraltar (Mario Mosquera).(2) Cádiz. On 16.7 there was an adult around Tarifa, Cádiz (Javier Elorriaga).
American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica (1) (1) Asturies There was one at ría de Avilés from 1-3.7 (César A. Laó) to 6.7 (Ángeles Pastur Torres). The bird was seen again on 11.7 (Gabriel Martín).
Hudsonian Whimbrel Numenius hudsonicus (1)
FIRST FOR SPAIN (Cat.A)(1) A Coruña The bird found on 20.1 and seen again on 20-26.3 at Baldaio, Carballo, A Coruña was relocated at the same area on 5.7 (Xabier Varela). The bird was relocated on 12.7 (Xabier Varela)and it was still there on 17 and 18.7 ( Antonio Ceballos, Ana Narciso, Xabier Varela).
Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca (1) (1) Cádiz On 10.7 an individual was seen at playa de Montijo, Chipiona, Cádiz (Paco Chiclana, Fabio di Pietro).
Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes (1,2) (1) Asturies On 27.7 one was seen at charcas del Cierrón, Ría de la Villa, Villaviciosa, Asturies (Adolfo Villaverde).(2) Ciudad Real. On 31.7 a bird was seen at Laguna de la Veguilla, Alcazar de San Juan, Ciudad Real (Xurxo Piñeiro, María José Valencia)
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus (1) (1) Murcia An adult summer plumaged bird was at Salinas of San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, on 20.7 (Richard Howard).
Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus (1) (1) A Coruña On 27.7 one was seen from Estaca de Bares, A Coruña (Antonio Sandoval, Ricardo Hevia)
African Royal Tern Sterna maxima (1)(1) Huelva There was an adult at Doñana National Park, Huelva on 16.7 (Carlos Gutiérrez Expósito).
Lesser-Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis (1,2)(1) Cádiz There was an adult at Playa de los Lances, Tarifa, Cádiz on 20.7 (Blanca Pérez /Fundación Migres; Javier Elorriaga /Fundación Migres).
(2) Huelva On 29.7 an adult was found at a Salinas Aragoneas roost, Huelva (Xurxo Piñeiro).
Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii (1-3,4,5) (1-3) Cádiz. On 12.7 three individuals were recorded at La Jara beach, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cádiz (Paco Chiclana, Fabio di Pietro). (4) Cádiz On 31.7 an adult was found at Salinas de la Tapa, Cádiz (Rafael García Costales). (5) Huelva On 28.7 an adult was found at Salinas Aragoneas roost, Huelva (Xurxo Piñeiro).
Little Swift Apus affinis (1-6,7-18) (1-6) Cádiz There were five or six at Bolonia cave, Sierra de la Plata, Cádiz on 1.7 (Javier Gómez Aoiz). At least three were present on 14.7 at the same area (Pablo Fernández García).(7-18) Cádiz. There were 12 at Chipiona beach, Cádiz on 13.7 (Paco Chiclana, Fabio di Pietro)