On 29th December 2010 I and Dirk Colin were looking for birds in the Village of Abu Simbel (near the Tempel) in southern EGYPT. On one occasion I was attracted to a strange call somewhere in a tree. I shouted to Dirk to come and listen to this call. Suddenly the bird left the tree and we could see that it was in fact a small Collared Dove type perhaps African. We found also a second Dove.
From that moment on they were seen displaying and were regularly calling - with this krawrr call
http://www.xeno-canto.org/XCspeciesprofiles.php?species_nr2=5736.00When we got back home and checked the photographs, we realised that our birds were actually AFRICAN MOURNING DOVES
Streptopelia decipiens, ""a first for the Western Palearctic."" !!
Kris De Rouck, Belgium