Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Lance Degnan finds ISABELLINE SHRIKE in Camargue

A male ISABELLINE SHRIKE (form isabellinus) is currently in the Camargue (Southern France) at Amphise (in fields and trees north of the road). Found yesterday by visiting British birder Lance Degnan and still present (and spending a lot of time singing...) today (per Pierre Andre Crochet).

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas Eve 2010 - GREAT BUSTARD on Dutch/German border

This GREAT BUSTARD was discovered near Groesbeek, close to the German border, yesterday afternoon. For full details, photographs and location click on the Dutch Hotline at
The bird was certainly unringed, but was flushed by passing cars and disappeared low southwestwards (contributed by Bas van der Burg)

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Record number of GREATER SPOTTED EAGLES wintering in ISRAEL

I spent the last 3 days surveying wintering raptors for the IOC at the northern Valleys in ISRAEL

This winter Beit Shean and Harod Valleys are harbouring phenomenal numbers of GREATER SPOTTED EAGLES, never to be seen in this area before. A total of 67 eagles were counted in the last three days between Gesher to Tirat Zvi and from Sde Nahum to Geva. This number is a bare minimum after eliminating any risk for duble counting. Gesher holds five eagles, the main area being Maoz Haim - Hamadia with no less than 26 and 11 more to the south, mainly in Tirat Zvi. Beit Shean Valley itself held 37 eagles (without Gesher). The rest (25) were counted at Harod Valley, mainly in Mesilot-Beit alpha and Hefziba fishponds. This is a record number also for Harod Valley.

It was interesting to locate a roost of Eagles in Jordan just across the Jordan river. up to 12 eagles roosted on some Eucalyptus trees not far apart, across the border. These birds spend their day around Maoz Haim fields.

More raptors of interest: 1-2 Steppe Eagles, 1 probable hybrid Lesser x Greater Spotted Eagle, 1 juvenile White tailed Sea Eagle, 28 Ospreys - a record number of wintering birds, Short-toed Snake Eagle, 1 Peregrine, 6 Merlins, 1-2 Pallid Harriers, 5 Hen Harriers, Long legged Buzzard, 6 Common Buzzards and 20 Eurasian Sparrowhawks.

Away from raptors: 4 SOCIABLE PLOVERS at Maoz Haim and 2 Richards Pipits around, only 100 Great Black-headed Gulls (mainly at Mesilot fishponds) and at Kfar Rupin Fishponds at least 1,000 Little Stints and a male Little Bittern at Newe Eitan (Barak Granit)

Monday, 20 December 2010


On 12.12 a STRIPED CRAKE, apparently a female, was found on a village at Sevilla Sierra, Southern Spain. It landed in the town and was released in a nearby creek the following day. There is a photo and the full story in the RareBirds in Spain webpage (homepage and December news section). Also a link to another further photo in Alberto Plata’s blog, with the story in Spanish - a 1st for Spain.

By the way, the Red-footed Booby continues its recovery and today was OK at the recovery centre (Ricard Gutiérrez - )

Sunday, 19 December 2010

1,046 WHITE-HEADED DUCKS wintering on one reservoir in ISRAEL

Lior Kislev and myself had a few minutes this morning to spend, and went to check Kfar Baruch reservoir (north west of Afula). The numbers of wintering wildfowl there was amazing with many hundreds of Shovelers, Pochards, Tufted ducks and WHITE-HEADED DUCKS.

We only had a few minutes to scan the reservoir so decided to accurately assess the WHITE-HEADED DUCK numbers and were staggered to find a total of 1,046 birds present. Unfortunately we didn't have the time to check The Tishlovet reservoirs (3km away) but there may well be many more there. (Shai Agmon)

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

BOOBY still present

The RED-FOOTED BOOBY (Sula sula) is still lingering at L'Estartit harbour in NE Spain. As there are every time more birders from outside Spain arriving to the spot, and it's expected more people is coming during the next days, there is a special page in Reservoir Birds showing links to the route from Girona (nearest airport) or by road from France to help the people to arrive at the location, at the following address


This same address has some fabulous images of the bird taken by Rafael Armada.

This website will publish similar pages, with routes (by air and road), for any future mega found in Spain with the possibility to be twitched, to help foreigners to locate areas for an eventual trip.

José Luis Copete

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Tapani Liha obtained this cracking image of the Pori vagrant over the weekend but sadly heavy snow overnight has seen the bird move on.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Photos from the recent Gebel Elba trip in EGYPT - BROAD-BILLED ROLLER

Such a shame. A BROAD-BILLED ROLLER found emaciated and long dead (Ahmed Sayed)

Sherif Baha el Din obtained these photographs of BASALT MOURNING WHEATEAR and PERSIAN WHEATEAR at the extreme southern tip of EGYPT.


This immature RED-FOOTED BOOBY was present today for its second day in SPAIN at Port Badia de L'Estartit, 30 kms east of Girona. The superb photos were taken by Sylvia Guix and Elisabeth Nadal.


A male GREY HYPOCOLIUS was found at Cape Greco, Cyprus on Friday evening, 3rd December. It is still present today. It appears to be the most westerly record and first record for (new) Europe as well as for Cyprus. There appear to be influxes in the UAE, Bahrain and one record in Egypt on Friday. Maybe the current drought in western Arabia is causing a shortage of berries and the bird is behaving like a Waxwing, as its scientific name suggests.

Check it out at

Colin Richardson, Bird Recorder, BirdLife Cyprus, P.O. Box 628938069, Paphos, Cyprus

Saturday, 4 December 2010


During a trip to Gabel Elba from Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, a total of seven different species of wheatear were recorded. There were tens of Kurdish Wheatears Oenanthe xanthoprymna, one of the commonest birds around Gebel Elba in winter. On Dec. 1, a male Persian Wheatear Oenanthe chrysopygia was seen and photographed, the second record for Egypt (the first also being from Gebel Elba). There were five species of Sylvia warblers, including at least 2 Cyprus Warblers and 3 Menetries’s Warblers. Several Hume’s Tawny Owls were heard. Other Elba specialties recorded included: Arabian Warbler, Shining Sunbird, Rosy-Patched Shrike, Fulvous Babbler and Fan-tailed Raven. On Dec 1st on the coastal plain a Grey Hypocolius was observed - an Egyptian rarity. A Basalt Mourning Wheatear Oenanthe lugens picata was photographed at Shalateen on Dec 2nd, which represents the first record for Egypt and potentially for Africa.

Incredibly, a dead bird photographedon Oct. 30 by Ahmed Badry Sayed (Elba Protected Area Ranger) on the coast at Adal Deeb, was subsequently identified as a BROAD-BILLED ROLLER Eurystomus glaucurus, the first record for Egypt.

Local fishermen confirmed the long-suspected breeding of Crab Plover Dromas ardeola on small sandy islets off Marsa Shaab south of Salateen, describing perfectly the nests and breeding behaviour in a colony found during summer 2010.

Sightings by: Sherif Baha El Din and Ahmed Badry Sayed

Massive wintering flock of DOTTEREL in ISRAEL

Eyal Shochat joined me today to the wintering raptor survey at the NW Negev. We had a great day

*Dotterel* - No less than *490 *birds were counted today. 20 birds were seen near their "usual spot" (south-western corner of Hatzerim air field) but the cherry on the cream was a flock of 470 birds which were feeding on a dry field, located some 5 km south of the power line, east of Urim-Zeelim Road. This is the largest flock ever recorded in Israel. The birds were there at the late morning, but also a good number of them (280) remained there in the pre-roosting time, many of which remained to roost.

Apart from that:White Pelican - 2 flocks in migration today (~200 and 80) at noon and evening.

Common Swift - 13 - moving north! earliest ever?

*Sociable Plover* 2 - 1 near the Dotterels and another one on Ofakim outskirts. We didn't find the 7 birds which were seen recently near thepower line.

Cream-coloured Courser - 3 birds together at Urim east

*Calandra Lark *- at least 500 birds were seen yesterday (and some today) at the Power line (western side)

Richard's Pipit 1 at HIrbet Hasif (west of Hatzerim)

Tawny Pipit - quite a few in the area (about 10)

Spectacled warbler - 1 near Ofakim (at Urim fields)

Isabelline Wheatear - more than usual, all over.

Finsch's Wheatear - 6-7

From the Raptors section:

Short-toed Eagle - 1 yesterday, looks like active south migration.

Imperial Eagle 10

Pallid Harrier 3 (2 males)

Hen Harrier - only 4Saker 1 juv

Lanner - 1 adultPeregrine 12 (good)

Long-legged Buzzard 13

Buzzard - 12

*Merlin* - (5) a female of the *Pallidus* ssp was seen well, west of Hatzerim. The bird is white underneath (appears from a distant as a Black-shouldered Kite or Pallid Harrier male) with narrow and not distinct rusty-reddish streaks, and very pale grey above. The bird is very distinct. It is quite large as well (in relative).The status of this ssp in Israel is unclear.

Barak Granit

November news from DENMARK

Hereby November 2010 Danish Bird News:

A female Desert Wheatear was at Rørvig, Vestjylland on 1st. A drake American Wigeon was at Bygholm Vejle, Nordjylland on 6th-13th. The returning drake North American Black Scoter was again at Blåvands Huk, Vestjylland on 10th with a Danish record three drake Surf Scoters there on 28th. The returning 5th cal GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL was again at Århus Harbour, Østjylland on and off during 14th-28th.

Other November records include nine Great Northern Divers, three White-billed Divers, two adult Black Brants, one Red-breasted Goose, one dubious Ruddy Duck, one drake Red-crested Pochard, one migrating 3rd-cal King Eider, seven Great White Egrets, a very late Sabine's Gull past Gedser, Falster on 20th, two adult Mediterranean Gulls, one 1st winter Iceland Gull, three 1st-winter Yellow-legged Gulls, a very late 1st winter White-winged Black Tern at Vejlerne, Nordjylland on 3rd, nine Grey Phalaropes, two Hoopoes, six Crested Larks at the breeding site at Hirtshals, Nordjylland on 29th, the latest ever Red-throated Pipit past Fornæs, Østjylland on 6th, three Richard's Pipits, the latest ever Barred Warbler on 6th-14th at Vejlerne, Nordjylland eventually caught by a cat, two Yellow-browed Warblers,one Pallas's Leaf Warbler and 24 Coue's Arctic Redpolls.


Wednesday, 1 December 2010


The 4th Tarsiger cyanurus for Spain has been seen and photographed this morning at Clot de Galvany, Elx, Alicante (J.A.Ramos). The other 3 previous records all were from late autumn and even winter, being the 3rd a still non-homologated record of a bird ringed this year in Huelva.

Today’s bird might be twitchable and directions in Spanish as well as four photos are included in Rare Birds in Spain website both in homepage and December news section which includes a twitter apple to follow as soon as known the latest inter-html updates news.

Interestingly, the same area, Alicante, is holding FIVE overwintering Greater Spotted Eagles, at least one with a satellite transmitter and coming (for another consecutive winter) to the area from Estonia. As that is an area holding many tourist visitors in this part of the year it might be of interest for the overall European audience.

Ricard Gutiérrez

Monday, 8 November 2010


A new species to the UAE list was discovered yesterday, 7th November 2010.

See the link

Tommy Pedersen

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Today while guiding Sherry and John Leffert we had 3 Bimaculated Larks at K20 and later at the northern circular field of Yotveta, among many Skylarks and at least 3 Oriental Skylarks i spotted a male BLACK-CROWNED FINCH LARK. When it was flushed i think i saw a female flying next to it to, but this female type was never re-located as i was putting all my efforts on the striking male. Incidentally, the Grey Phalarope is still present at K20 reservoirs (contributed by Itai)

Friday, 22 October 2010

ISRAEL Negev Rarities

Two good birds were caught and ringed by our dedicated ringer team this week. Both were everything but a result of a large sample size, as things are very slow at the moment at both Sede Boker and Ein Rimon.

19/10 – A 1st cy MENETRIES’S WARBLER was trapped at the wee pistachio grove by the Desert Research Institute, Midreshet Ben Gurion. Credit on this one goes to Darren Burns and Arnon Tsairi. This is the second individual of this species caught in this very little spot, after the stunning male also caught by Darren et al. in March 08


22/10 – A 1st cy Male PIED WHEATEAR was caught by Bruria Gal and myself at Ein Rimon (southern Lahav forest, close to Lehavim), the famous Black-eared Wheatear stopover site. This is the first confirmed record for the Greater Beer-Sheva area, and a grand finale for an overall very good wheatear season at the northern Negev: 4 Northern, 39 Isabelline and 163 Black-eared wheatears were ringed at Ein Rimon and at the Negev Monumnet pistachio grove this autumn.

Thursday, 21 October 2010


Today Juan Sagardia has found a MEGA! a BOBOLINK (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) at Lanzarote, Canary Islands, the first for Spain! Photos in short time in Reservoir Birds webpage.

Greetings, Ferran López,

Thursday, 14 October 2010

More Finnish PIED STONECHAT images

More photos (incl. one in flight) by Pekka Komi can be found here:

Regards, Martin Helin


Still present for a fourth day - PIED STONECHAT (Saxicola caprata) on a small island off Kristiinankaupunki on the Finnish west coast. Photos of the bird can be found here:


Martin Helin, Finland

Monday, 20 September 2010


Today a WHITE-WINGED LARK (Melanocorypha leucoptera) was discovered on the island of Holmögadd in the gulf of Bothnia. The past three days on the island has produced, apart from the lark, a first winter male pied wheatear, 2 yellow-browed warblers and a red-flanked bluetail...All the best, Anders Eriksson, Stockholm

Saturday, 18 September 2010


This afternoon there was a LITTLE WHIMBREL (Numenius minutus) (Kleine Regenwulp) discovered near Nieuwmunster, in Belgium. It remained on view until 1900 hours but then took flight and was not relocated.

The exact last location was 6-7 km. south of Smisjesweg at Nieuwmunster, Belgium.

There are a few photographs of the bird (see, Regards, Kris De Rouck

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

August 2010 Danish Bird News

Hereby August 2010 Danish bird news

The 15th Great Shearwater for Denmark was videofilmed off Kullen,Skåne, Sweden for an hour on 25th before being relocated at fourNordsjælland watchpoints from Gilleleje to Liseleje during 18:01 to20:45 hours when darkness set in. A dead raresummer British Storm-petrel was found far inland at Hjerl Hede,Vestjylland on 26th. A moulting adult Collared Pratincole was atMargrethekog, Sønderjylland on 14th before migrating south intoGermany. An adult female Thick-knee was at Borreby Mose, Vestsjællandduring 31st July to 2nd August. A moulting adult Red-necked Stint wasat Skagen, Nordjylland for just two hours on 11th - it was only the 2ndDanish record. A putative adult Semipalmated Sandpiper wasphotographed at BygholmVejle, Nordjylland during 16th-18th (3rd record). An adult TerekSandpiper was near Stege, Møn on 8th. The 1st Glaucous-winged Gull,still 5th cal, returned to winter at Århus Harbor, Østjylland on 27th- will it be twitchable there for the next seven months to thebenefit of WP listers? The first Roller foreight years, a moulting adult, was at Grødby, Bornholm during18th-20th before being relocated far north inland near Värnamo,Småland, Sweden on 21st. The first Alpine Swift for eight years wasnear Hundested, Nordsjælland briefly on two occations on 22nd.

Also August records included the summering/escaped adult Red-breasted Goose still at Margrethekog, Sønderjylland, four Red-crested Pochardsat the sole breeding site at Maribosøerne, Lolland, one adult andthree hybrid Ferruginous Ducks (perhaps all returning birds) atMaribosøerne, Lolland, a perhaps escaped eclipse drake Buffleheadagain at Gurresø, Nordsjælland on 27th-28th (following 3 or 4 records now,the species is still not on the Danish list), up to five BalearicShearwaters at Skagen, Nordjylland during 2th-9th and 26th, eightGreat White Egrets, two Little Egrets, just two Black Storks, twoLesser Spotted Eagles, five Great Snipes, just six Long-tailed Skuas,just two (adult) Sabine's Gulls, two adult Gull-billed Terns, sevenWhite-winged Black Terns, 11 Baltic Gulls, three Hoopoes, just threeBee-eaters, up to five Crested Larks at Hirtshals, Nordjyllandfollowing a surprice breeding there (on 29th) along with an adult atRønne, Bornholm during 15th-22nd, the summering, moulting adultShort-toed Lark still at Harboør Tange, Vestjylland during 3rd-15th, avery early Red-throated Pipit past Grødby, Bornholm on 19th followedby one on 31st, foursinging Savi's Warblers, just two Barred Warblers, one Red-breastedFlycatcher and just three Ortolan Buntings.


Sunday, 29 August 2010


On 11.8.2010 Norfolk birders John & Jane Hopkins photographed a small gannet off Estepona which has turned up to be the 1st RED-FOOTED BOOBY for Spain (and probablyEurope). The full story with the photos are online at Rare Birds in Spainsite here: . This record hasalready been submitted to the Spanish Rarities Committee.

This area of the extreme SW Mediterreanean is oceanographically consideredto be in fact part of the Atlantic (even having a breeding colony of Cory’s Shearwaters! (Calonectris [diomedea] borealis)!) so in my opinion that fact may have some influence in the observation of these extralimital vagrants.

All the best Ricard Gutiérrez

10 years Sept.1.2000-2010

Follow latest Rarebirdspain updates via facebook:!/pages/Rare-Birds-in-Spain/47728497760

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


This evening, Wednesday 11th August 2010, I found the 2nd ever RED-NECKED STINT (Calidris ruficollis) for Denmark at Grenen, Skagen, Nordjylland. The bird was photographed and seen by 13 birders during 19:31 to 21:49 hours before we left it in the dark.

The first for Denmark was at Kammerslusen, Ribe, Vestjylland during 30th July to 2nd August 2001.

See photos here:

Today's summer plumaged adult could behaps be relocated in the firstmorning light at 04:45 hours?

Rolf Christensen

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Danish Bird News for July 2010

Hereby July 2010 Danish Bird News.

The 1st summer White-crowned Black Wheatear, a Scandinavian first, was at Saltbæk Vig, Vestsjælland during 30th June to 3rd July and was twitched by some 400 birders. Denmark's 2nd White-throated Sparrow, a singing male, was at Skørping, Nordjylland during 20th June to 18th July (this town also hosted the country's sole Dark-eyed Junco, in December 1980).

The 4th Bufflehead (again a category D bird?), a drake, was at Gurresø, Nordsjælland during 28th June to 5th July. The summering 2nd calendar Gyr Falcon was still at Bygholm Vejle, Nordjylland on 3rd-20th (the first Danish summer record). An adult Stone Curlew was at Grærup Langsø, Vestjylland on 5th, and another, an adult, was at Borreby Mose,Vestsjælland from 31st onwards. A perhaps returning adult Terek Sandpiper was at Saltvandssøen, Sønderjylland on 8th. A summering Greater Short-toed Lark was at Harboøre Tange, Vestjylland on 21st-27th (2nd Danish summer record). A Lesser Grey Shrike was at Try Enge, Nordjylland on 5th.

Other July birds include a summering Red-breasted Goose atSaltvandssøen, Sønderjylland during 12th-31st, a drake North American Green-winged Teal, three Red-crested Pochards at the Lolland breeding site, a female Ruddy Duck, a summer plumage Great Northern Diver attempting to migrate inland at Køge, Sydsjælland on 23rd, one adult Black Stork, two Little Egrets, eight Great White Egrets, one adult Pacific Golden Plover, four Pectoral Sandpipers, a very early 1st cal Great Snipe photographed at Vestamager, Copenhagen on 27th, one Buff-breasted Sandpiper, 10 Baltic Gulls, just three adult Gull-billed Terns, five White-winged Black Terns, one Hoopoe, one European Bee-eater, one remaining Crested Lark at Hirtshals was follow by a surprice breeding pair with one juvenile from 28th onwards (a result of the late spring influx?), five singing Savi's Warblers, two River Warblers, a Greenish/Green Warbler ringed at Blåvands Huk, Vestjyllandon 17th and 19th and one Nutcracker (DK500Club, ornitolog, Rolf Christensen)

Monday, 2 August 2010


The PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE is still present at Askola, near Lappeneenranta (EASTERN FINLAND) this morning, showing fairly distantly (per Chris Batty, Andy Clifton, Mick Frosdick and Will Soar)

Friday, 30 July 2010


Here are the instructions to find the PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE location inLappeenranta, which is 300km east from Tampere and 230km NE from Helsinki(good main roads):(I hope the link works),28.195596&daddr=&hl=fi&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=15&sll=61.033749,28.193364&sspn=0.015442,0.055747&ie=UTF8&ll=61.03244,28.19272&spn=0.015443,0.055747&z=15>

Leave your cars to the side of the end of this Palosuonkatu road.From here walk through the gate (will be open during the day until 3 p.m.)but if the gate is closed (tomorrow its Saturday and if you are early) youcan turn left some hundred metres before the gate (a bigger road you can'tmiss it) and in the end of this road there is another gate which can bewalked around. So walk right until you are on the main gate (inside now).Keep on walking right from the main gate, walk some hundred metres (maybe300) and follow the road towards right, after a storage building follow asmall path right and walk 200-300 metres until you see the pools. For surethere will be many other birders too. Most of the Finnish birders will knowthe rules that must be followed! But to re-emphasise: Stay on the roads and pathswhen you walk to the site instructed and stay patiently in one position until thebird shows up! As Martin Helin stated, there will be some organized searching IF and ONLYIF the bird cannot be found otherwise (Janne Aalto)

PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE - special viewing arrangements

As Janne Aalte wrote the PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE may remain elusive inside higher vegetation. To give the bird enough time for rest and at the same time allow twitchers (incl. foreigners) to see it, the Finnish Twitcher's Association (Bongariliitto) has decided that the area of higher vegetation at the top of the Toikansuo hill may be searched once a day at 10 am (Finnish time) IF the bird has not been located earlier the same morning.

This rule is biding for all members of Bongariliitto and naturally also foreign twitcher's are requested to obey this rule.

Good luck to all of you making an attempt from abroad! The bird is a real gem and one of my dream species (like of many others).

Best regards, Martin Helin, Finland


And the PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE is still there in Lappeenranta Finland today. It was found after 7 hours searching from the vegetation and flew towards Askola pools where it was present for long periods yesterday with many other birds.

A short video from yesterday:

(Janne Aalto)

Thursday, 29 July 2010


A PALLAS'S SANDGROUSE is still present this evening at an old landfill site with ponds that it is using for drinking. Strictly speaking it is not the first twitchable Pallas's Sandgrouse for Finland, since a flock of three individuals was twitchable in 1969 (there are about seven previous records in Finland, the last one was made in 1992). Coincidentally or not, today was the warmest day ever recorded in Finland, with the temperature rising to 37,2ºC (99,0ºF) near Joensuu (thanks to south-easterly winds from Kazakhstan...) (per CAU).

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


A presumed GREY-TAILED TATTLER was photograped this morning at the Pier of IJmuiden, the Netherlands. See:

This represents the first record for the Netherlands (per Marnix Jonker)

Monday, 5 July 2010


Following three national firsts during 26th May to 30th June 2010 with Oriental Pratincole, Pacific Swift and White-crowned Black Wheatear, today a singing male WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (Zonotrichia albicollis) -Denmark's second - was identified at Mølleparken, Skørping near Aalborgin Nordjylland, Denmark:

The bird has perhaps been around the Mølleparken gardens for 14 days,close to the big wood of Rold Skov. The only other WT Sparrow in Denmark was seen and heard in song at Kongelunden, Copenhagen on 23rd May 1976. The bird could stay around for many more days, and it seems to be an easy twitch from Germany or Sweden (via the ports of Göteborgor Varberg) (per DK500Club, Rolf Christensen)

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Rare Birds in Denmark in June 2010

Hereby June 2010 Danish Bird News,

Firstly, breaking news is that of an apparently adult male (3cy+)White-crowned Black Wheatear seen and photographed by three birders on30th at Saltbæk Vig, Vestsjælland - a new species to Denmark andScandinavia following the last north European records in 1982 in England and 1986 in Germany.

Another highlight was Denmark's first ever Pacific Swift semi twitchable on 15th during 11:05-14:32 hours at Vestamger just outside Copenhagen - seen by some 200 birders before bad weather set in and the bird flew off south.

A singing male Melodious Warbler was ringed at Blåvands Huk,Vestjylland on 6th and 8th (5th record). The regular 1st summer Gyr Falcon was still at Bygholm Vejle, Nordjylland during 1st-27th - the first ever summering in Denmark, and an escaped juvenile white morph was seen on 29th at Hirtshals, Nordjylland. Two Blyth's Reed Warblers were in the far southeast: one ringed at Gedser, Falster on 2nd, and one in song near Haslev, Sydsjælland on 10th-19th.

The summering light morph Short-toed Snake Eagle remained at Harrild Hede, Vestjyllandduring 1st-26th. A probably category D drake Bufflehead was at GurreSø, Nordsjælland on 28th-30th (4th record, all past records 1995-2008 are placed in categori D). A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Saltvandssøen, Sønderjylland on 23rd and 30th, the last day alongside an adult Pacific Golden Plover.

Other June records include four Great Northern Divers, eight Black Storks, one Little Egret, six Great White Egrets, three Ruddy Shelducks of unknown origin, three Red-crested Pochards, one Lesser Spotted Eagle, two Pectoral Sandpipers, one 2nd calendar Pallid Harrier, an unseasonal Grey Phalarope at Slivsø, Sønderjylland on 17th, 18 Baltic Gulls at Bornholm, four Gull-billed Terns, a pair of Caspian Terns breeding at Roskilde Fjord, Nordsjælland from 5th onwards, and there were several records in and near Copenhagen indicating nearby breeeding there, one Hoopoe, 15 European Bee-eaters, the regular single Crested Lark at Hirtshals,Nordjylland but an influx of four (continental) birds in northern Jylland during 6th-21st was unprecedented, three Tawny Pipits including just one male at the sole breeding site at Anholt, Østjylland, one Red-rumped Swallow, two Common Nightingales.

Also news is that White-spotted Bluethroat now has spread far north to entire Jylland, but still there a few outside the Waddense area. A summering Red-spotted Bluethroat was ringed at Skagen, Nordjylland on 27th-28th. Further June records were six River Warblers, eight Savi's Warblers, four Great Reed Warblers, just one Barred Warbler, one Greenish Warbler, eight Red-breasted Flycatchers and a very late Ortolan Bunting on 16th.


DK500Club, ornitolog, Rolf Christensen Hvidefyrvej 4DK-9990 Skagen, Danmarke-post:

tlf. (+45) 40 41 66 08,


Today a male White-crowned Wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga) wasdiscovered and photographed near the coast at Saltbæk Vig, Kalundborg,Vestsjælland, Denmark.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Moshe Choen from Kibbutz Hazor found yesterday 21.5.10 afternoon, 2 GreatSnipe in Hazor reservoir; the birds were photographed and can be seen in the following link :

(per Amir ben dov)

Monday, 3 May 2010

THREE-BANDED PLOVERS continue to increase in numbers in EGYPT but no sign of Goliath Herons - latest sightings from a Swedish tour

Just back from a 10 day trip through the WP hotspots of Egypt. With me were 15 birders from the swedish bird tour operator AviFauna. Things went mainly according to plan and we found most expected species, although the traditional Egyptian hassles like permissions, check points, notorious police officers and frustrating bureaucracy tries hard to put obstacles in your way. Don´t go here without some serious reserach and preparations, or go with a group like this. Things might be slightly better nowadays but it still provides head ache in some areas. A trip summary in English with photographs is being prepared but I can let you in on some highlights: -

the fish ponds at Abu Hamad: the expected species like Painted Snipe, Purple Swamphen and a small colony of Streaked Weaver. Plenty of Bl-ch Bee-eaters and Cl. Reed Warblers. The area seems to be under constant development and threatens the habitat of some species. Has anyone seen Kittlitz Plover or Senegal Coucal here recently? -

amazing raptor migration at Ain Sukhna (based at "Fowzy´s" near Ain Sukhna rest house) with some 1300 raptors of 17(!) species including 4 Eastern Imperial Eagles, 5 Eleonora´s Falcons and a good variety of other eagles, Egyptian Vultures, Levant Sparrowhawks and more. -

2 Terek Sandpipers, White-cheeked and Crested Terns, Greater Sand Plover and other waders at El Gouna -

3 Crab Plovers, 5 Sooty Falcons and 2 Brown Boobies during a 4hr boat trip to the Qulaan Islands off Hamata. We didn´t find the Goliath Heron(s) at Wadi Lahmi despite extensive search. The manager of the dive resort indicated that they might have left the area, possibly disturbed by nearby hotel developments. -

15 Lappet-faced Vultures in 40C scorching heat at Shalatein. See video clip at -

the Shams Alam garden with all its migrants, Namaqua Dove, Sooty Falcon overhead, an Upcher´s Warbler (see ) just south of the hotel and a close encounter with the Hume´s Owl in Wadi Gemal one evening. The Collared Doves seems common now and might have forced out their African relatives. Any recent data on this? -

2 days in Abu Simbel (including a 4hr boat trip) with 20 Pink-backed Pelicans, 16 Yellow-billed Storks, 4 Kittlitz Plover (territorial on an island), many African Pied Wagtails. No skimmers, any records from here lately? -

at least 4, possibly 5, Three-banded Plovers at the fish ponds south of Aswan including a pair with a young bird, possibly born last year or very early this year. Anyone knows their breeding details? See video clip at and of the young bird at

My appreciation to the local expertise and kind help of the Wadi Gemal rangers, the Qulaan staff in Hamata, Khaled and Amr of the EEAA in Aswan and our local Nubian host for the boat trip in Abu Simbel. (Tomas Haroldson)

Sunday, 2 May 2010


Italy's 3rd-ever SPOTTED SANDPIPER, found at some rice paddies in the far NW, by Gianni Salvatico, at Levaldigi, Savigliano (Cuneo) close to the border with France, photographed above with a Common Sandpiper

Thursday, 29 April 2010

WILSON'S SNIPE still present in Finland

Some more pictures and recordings from 23rd of April can be found on my websites:

I also took a short video which is on Youtube.

Direct links: Pictures (my wife Hanna took the last picture):


And also a short video:

Janne Allto

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

ISRAEL birding Summary - March 2010

Summary with photographs of last month's sightings is available at:

Any one who has additional contributions, kindly let me know, we willhappily publish new updates.

Best Regards, Avner Cohen,

WILSON'S SNIPE in Finland - for third consecutive summer!

A WILSON'S SNIPE (Gallinago delicata) has displayed since 22.4.2010 at Laukaa (central Finland, near city of Jyväskylä). The bird was still present last night (being apparently most active at night but also displaying sometimes in broad daylight).

From a twitching perspective it's interesting to note that apparently the same bird has been seen/heard on same site in summer 2008 and 2009 (but not identified as Wilson's S. then). In previous years it has been displaying well into May. An attempt will be made to catch and ring the bird tomorrow (with subsequent days as spare days in case of bad weather etc.).



Sonogram analysis (in Finnish only but pictures may still be understood):

The observation site is at Google Maps:,25.928872&spn=0.004422,0.016512&z=17

Martin Helin, Finland

NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH trapped and ringed in France

A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH (Seiurus noveboracensis) was trapped and ringedyesterday (27/04/2010) on Porquerolles Island, South-east France ! Photos on

This is the first record on the French Mediterranean coast, and the 3rd for France (per Amine Flitti)

Monday, 19 April 2010


On Saturday 17 April, an EASTERN BONELLI'S WARBLER (Phylloscopus orientalis) was captured by Joan Castelló at Llobregat Delta, Barcelona. Sunday early morning Marcel Gil has relocated the bird in the same place. More information and GPS coordinates at Reservoir Birds webpage http:/// Photos of this First for Spain coming soon! (per Ferran López)

Saturday, 10 April 2010

VERRAUX'S EAGLE in Eilot Mountains, ISRAEL

An adult VERREAUX'S EAGLE was seen this morning at 09:40 at the lower Eilat Mtns. The bird was seen soaring quite low and slowly moving north, probably searching for Hyrax. The Eagle was seen on the north side of the road, just above the oil tanks and first army base going up the Mtns road. The observation was very brief, only about 15 seconds, and as the the bird was located from a driving bus by the time we got on it it was already flying away.

Apparently there is an adult roaming the Mtns, as this is the 3rd time a Verreaux's Eagle is observed at the Mtns in the past 2 weeks (per Jonathan Meyrav)

Saturday, 3 April 2010


Today at 12:52 hours mr. Andreas Bruun Kristensen from the Danish RaritiesCommittee, along with Ib Jensen og Morten Kofoed Hansen ("Team Cheferne ifelten"), discovered a Eurasian Black Vulture *Aegypius monachus* near the Cheminova plant at Harboøre Tange near Lemvig, Vestjylland, Denmark. The bird was sitting at times during easterly winds. Also a migrating Red Kite and Osprey were seen.

The Black Vulture had a white bleached feather in the middle of the left wing. So far I have received no other information on the bird's plumage, nor if it is wearing rings.

Surely, the same bird, descibed as an adult, was seen on 24th March in the NE Netherlands

The bird is perhaps the now infamous "Thécla" released in the French Alps on 8th December 2008

This could be a new bird for Denmark, but apparently such records only make it to category E as most of our Lammegeiers. Another Danish record of a sure escape was one at various Vestjylland sites during 17th August to 13th September 1974.

Rolf Christensen

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Spanish BELTED KINGFISHER still performing

Today the BELTED KINGFISHER (Megaceryle alcyon) is still present in Albujón, Murcia. You can browse the best photographs taken in the Reservoir Birds homepage at as well as glean latest news of rarities in Spain (per Ferran López)
Juan Segardia Pratera obtained this latest cracking image above.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Wintering birds in the Urim area of ISRAEL

Yesterday, together with Francis Argyle we observed 10 SOCIABLE PLOVERS in the "regular" fields of the eastern side of Urim – Ze'elim road, north of the high voltage power line.

Today 10 Golden plovers west to Tal Or farm.
1 Broken wing Ad male White Pelican, probably hit that power line.

All together in the last two days around Urim

At least 4 ad Peregrine
1 Saker
1 ad Barbary
3 different ad males Pallid Harriers
4-5 Eastern Imperial eagles
Not less than 15 Merlins

5 Gadwalls in Holit reservoir (next to Tal Or farm)

400 Common Cranes

2 female Desert Wheatears
2 female Finch's Wheatears

Ohad Hatzofe, Avian Ecologist

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Spain.....or North America !

Several interesting birds in the same day in Spain. Today Spain still boasts the Belted Kingfisher in Albujón (Murcia), the Bonaparte's Gull in Tarragona harbour and the Bufflehead in Santander. See web page ( for full details (Ferran López)

Friday, 8 January 2010

Escaped Fox Sparrow in Denmark

Scandinavia's first FOX SPARROW, but apparently also an escape, was seen and photographed during 5th-8th January 2010 at Præstevejen, Tversted, Nordjylland, in Denmark. The bird is most probably an escape bearing a metal ring and a lilac colored ring. Also, it is reportedly one of the western subspecies (Rolf Christensen)

Thursday, 7 January 2010


On 7 January, an immature drake BUFFLEHEAD was found and photographed at Marisma Blanca, Santander, Cantabria (Luis Eduardo Molina, Sheila García, Isaac Villaverde).

Nearctic Passerines still present

This gorgeous first-winter male BALTIMORE ORIOLE was still present in The Netherlands today (photographed superbly by Thomas Luijens above) attracting large numbers of observers, whilst the male DARK-EYED JUNCO remains in Norway.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Location of the Dutch BALTIMORE ORIOLE


For full details, map and further photographs taken by Fred of this beautiful first-winter male BALTIMORE ORIOLE visiting a garden for its third day, click on

Spanish BELTED KINGFISHER relocated

Just received news of the relocation yesterday and this morning of the BELTED KINGFISHER (Ceryle alcyon) seen from November-December 2009 at Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain. The bird has moved 15.39 km to the East into an area of irrigating ponds, where fishing seems more favourable in terms of cost/benefit according to local observers. Thanks to Antonio Jesús Hernández, a full set of directions, maps, including a Google Earth placemark for those interested in having a look to the area from home, plus a photograph from today are already available in Rare Birds in Spain website either at news page (including also the summaryof latest sightings in the country in systematic order) or the special photopage from November 2009 updated with the new information.

Ricard Gutiérrez, Rare Birds in Spain, 10 years in-a-row informing on Rare Birds in Spain,

Sunday, 3 January 2010

DANISH news for December 2009

Hereby December 2009 Danish Bird News,

The 4th calendar-year GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL made a sudden reappearance at Århus Harbor, Østjylland, on 21st seen by four observers for 1½ minutes (video filmed) (5th WP record). The 3rd ever NORTH AMERICAN BLACK SCOTER reappeared off Læsø, Nordjylland, on 28th. The juvenile Gyr Falcon remained at BygholmVejle, Nordjylland all month.

Other December birds included one Little Egret, three Great White Egrets, one Black Brant, one Red-breasted Goose of unknown origin, one drake American Green-winged Teal, six Red-crested Pochards, one Common Sandpiper for it's 3rd winter in a row, one 1st winter Grey Phalarope, two adult Mediterranean Gulls, just two Glaucous Gulls, two Sandwich Terns, one wintering Eurasian Hoopoe and two Crested Larks remaining on several dates at Hirtshals, Nordjylland
